Shopping around for an exciting industry in which to invest your hard-earned capital? Want a chance to finally take control of your career? SI Staffing has opened up employment agency franchise opportunities to investors who are looking for just that.
Franchise staffing companies have seen incredible success and growth over the past years — SI Staffing believes capitalizing on this could be a profitable opportunity for potential investors. An SIS franchise investment makes owning a business not just easy, with extensive franchisor support, but also gives investors a turnkey path into an exciting staffing industry. Let’s discover together the incredible potential that could come with an SI Staffing employment agency franchise opportunity for you.
Lucrative Industry
If you’re looking for a franchise opportunity that places you in a growing industry and exhibits all the signs for potential revenue — you’ve come to the right place. The global staffing industry has seen numbers that haven’t stop growing since 2009, and in 2019 the industry is projected to reach over $509.6 billion in revenue. Incredible numbers, yet not shocking considering the demand that job placement and hiring agencies have received in the past decade.
Minimal Experience Needed
It is finally time that you can leave your demanding corporate position behind and invest in a model that puts you in the driver’s seat. The SIS franchise model consists of consistent and ongoing franchisor support that allows you to enter a business ownership position with little to no experience required. Although, the one quality we do like to ensure all of our SIS franchise owners have is the ability to value and commit to high-quality customer service. Our clients keep our franchisees (and our brand) in business, so valuing their needs helps us grow even further. Our ongoing support will help build on the strategies and information you learn throughout our employment agency franchise training. So instead of stacking your resume with corporate experience and skills, you can now place yourself in a deserving ownership role faster.
Turnkey Investment Structure
Our SIS franchise team realizes the importance of complete transparency when it comes to learning about a potential investment. We have put together a turnkey investment that cuts out unnecessary expenditures, so you can work faster toward your return on investment. You won’t have to worry about extraordinary fees that come with investments in other franchising industries: A one-time franchise fee, rent with utilities, and a marketing introduction program payment all bring you one step closer to owning a franchise staffing company.
Our franchise fee of $35,000 grants you access to the SI Staffing branding, along with all of our avenues for training and support throughout the process. The cost of your rent utilities and overall location improvements are valued at around $2,000 to make your location as perfect as possible. And your marketing introduction program starts at around $5,000 and is crucial to getting the word out about your new business through various platforms. The result of these costs is a leg up on the competition and a jumpstart to your new business!
If you want to learn more about what makes franchise staffing companies unique, let us know! Feel free to contact SI Staffing at any time with your questions.